J.Stone & Co Ltd
Denmark Hill and De Crispigny Park, Camberwell
This was manufactured by J.Stone & Co. Engineers, Deptford, London. It is the finest example of this type we've managed to find. The whole thing appears to be original; the pipe itself is made of four segments, and the crown is intact and in good condition.

other examples of this type exists - Albany Road / Walworth Road; Leo Street/ Old Kent Road; Court Farm Road; outside Catford Station. None are in such good condition as the one in Camberwell, which along with the Catford Station pipe still has its original pipe.

other examples of this type exists - Albany Road / Walworth Road; Leo Street/ Old Kent Road; Court Farm Road; outside Catford Station. None are in such good condition as the one in Camberwell, which along with the Catford Station pipe still has its original pipe.
I found a watch given to a
G. Allen by the directors of J. Stone & Co (Deptford) Ltd in recognition of 41 years of service. The watch looks pretty old , but I think Mr. Allen's family would love to have it. If anyone knows this family, please email me at pudavis64@yahoo.com. Also engraved thereafter the initial engravement is the name Bob Little. Perehaps he gave it to him. If you have any information, please email me.
There is a Stink Pipe (Sewage Ventilation Stack) close to where I live in Box, Wiltshire. This is also by J.Stone and Co Ltd, but the pipe (original as far as I can tell) is in one section and the design of the crown on top is different. As J.Stone was not a limited company until 1904 it must be later than 1904. One of the two inscriptions identifying the manufacturer also gives a Registration number 341995 (although Registered Design number 341995 is actually for a wallpaper design). I was wondering whether any of yours had any inscriptions or dates on them - how did you identify the manufacturer? The Box example is Listed (Grade II) - arguably the very fine one you have outside the Maudsley Hospital should have similar protection, but as far as I can tell the Box pipe is the only one in the country which is Listed.
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